Kidney stones manifest in a variety of different ways in patients, and some people in the High Desert area are not able to pass the kidney stones on their own.
When a Victorville patient cannot pass a kidney stone, the urologist will have to explore other treatment options that are available.
One common treatment option is the nephrolithotripsy, which is a surgical procedure in which the kidney stone is removed. During this surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia and the kidney stone is removed through a small incision in the patient’s back.
When is Nephrolithotripsy Used to Remove Kidney Stones?
The nephrolithotripsy is necessary if the patient has a kidney stone that has grown too large to be passed by the patient. In most cases, the urologist will decide to perform this surgery if any mineral deposits in the kidney have grown to two centimeters in diameter or larger.
At this point, it is too difficult or painful for the patient to pass the large stone on their own, and surgery is the best way to quickly and effectively remove the stone.
The cause of the stone may also lead to this surgical procedure. Kidney stones are caused by a variety of different factors, and the cause of the stone can determine the size of it.
Some stones are caused by an infection and this infection leads to very large kidney stones. This is known as staghorn calculi, and patients with this condition will require surgery in order to remove the stone or stones.
In some cases, patients have debris that is built up in the urethra and blocks the flow of urine. When this occurs, a kidney stone cannot pass through the urethra and surgery is necessary to remove the stone.
Surgery is the safest and most effective option in this particular situation. The doctor may also address other options for the debris in the urethra that is preventing the stone from passing as well as blocking urine flow.
Patients who are experiencing the signs and symptoms of kidney stones should set up an appointment with an expert urologist, such as Dr. Pedram Ilbeigi.
Dr. Ilbeigi will provide the patient with a diagnosis and help the patient understand their treatment options.In many cases, patients will be told to rest and wait as the kidney stone moves through their system. Most people are able to pass stones on their own. If additional treatment is necessary, the nephrolithotripsy procedure may be the best option for you.