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3 Diseases your Urologist can Help Treat

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A doctor of urology, also known as a urologist is a specific field of discipline in within medicine that deals primarily with the organs of the urinary tract and sexual organs.


The urinary tract is made up of organs, such as the kidneys as well as tubes called ureters and very often house bacterial and other infections and problems. Here are three diseases that you should see a urologist about before they get too far advanced:

Diabetes: for those that suffer from a diabetic condition, elevated blood sugars your blood can damage your kidneys, the primary organs that filter the blood. Should they become damaged; waste can build up and contaminate your blood.

This type of damage from diabetes is known as diabetic nephropathy and starts long before you exhibit any discernible symptoms. An early sign of it is small amounts of protein in your waste stream which a urine test can easily detect

Kidney Stones: these painful foreign objects usually form where urine collects before flowing through the tube that leads to your bladder. The smaller type stones very often pass out of the body through urination and are usually unnoticed by the patient.

Larger kidney stones however stretch the ureter as they move toward the bladder and blocking the flow of urine. These stones end up causing excruciating pain.

Prostate Cancer: is a serious problem found primarily in older men. The prostate becomes larger with passing time and obstructs the urethra or bladder. This obstruction often leads to difficulty urinating and hinder sexual performance.

The condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) surgery may be required to reverse it. The symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia or of other problems in the prostate may present as symptoms of prostate cancer and should not be ignored.


High Desert urology centers have physicians on staff who are expert at diagnosing symptoms of serious disease and prescribing an appropriate course of action based upon your unique needs as a patient.
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