Erectile dysfunction is a problem for many men. It can have drastic psychological consequences and make men feel, well, like less of a man. There are a lot of reasons for ED, some of them physical and some of them mental.
A persistent physical problem that has been linked to this condition is high blood pressure. Unfortunately, high blood pressure can be a Catch-22 for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. The problem lies in that some types of blood pressure medication can contribute to erectile dysfunction which makes it difficult to stay on medication.
While many prescription meds used for high blood pressure have been linked to erectile dysfunction, many more are less likely to cause problems. In fact, certain high blood pressure drugs may even help to mitigate erectile dysfunction symptoms.
Many pills designed to lower blood pressure, such as diuretics and beta-blockers have been shown to cause erection problems.
If it is indeed the medication and not just the high blood pressure, switching to another prescription may solve the problem. However, it is important to continue taking your prescribed medication.
However, the high blood pressure itself may still be to blame for erectile dysfunction. If that is the case, there are medications such as Viagra or Cialis that might be helpful. It is important to note that patients should only take these drugs once high blood pressure is controlled and they should not be taken by men taking alpha-blockers, or nitrate drugs for heart disease.
Erectile dysfunction can be a serious problem for men suffering from high blood pressure and can be compounded by the drugs used to regulate blood pressure. Fortunately, your doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of action for both your associated erectile dysfunction.