Nearly no one gives their bladder a second thought; that is, until something goes horribly wrong. One of the most common urologic problems is a urinary tract infection, commonly known as a UTI. These bothersome problems are caused by bacteria infiltrating the bladder through the urinary systems.
These bacteria are ever present and in large numbers around the rectum and vagina. Normally, the bladder has mechanisms to naturally rid itself of these types of germs; however, when bacteria remain in the bladder, they can cause infection. The infection, in turn, causes painful inflammation in the bladder leading to a burning sensation during urination as well as general discomfort. UTIs are more likely to present in women because of the nature of their urological anatomy.
Perhaps the worst aspect of a UTI is the feeling of always needing to empty your bladder. In more serious cases, you may experience urinary incontinence and lose control of your urine flow. UTIs also present with unpleasant odors and cloudiness.
The real danger with urinary tract infections lies in the fact that if it is ignored, the infection may spread to the kidneys. Symptoms of a kidney infection include back pain, high fever, chills and overall flu-like maladies. If left unchecked, the infection can seriously damage the kidneys and can even be life-threatening especially if the bacteria travel through the bloodstream and are allowed to develop in other major organs.
You should seek medical attention if you suspect that you may have a urinary tract infection or if you think it may have started to affect your kidneys. The treatment options for a UTI and or kidney complications are, in the initial phases, fairly straightforward. A course of antibiotics will generally clear up the existing UTI and subsequent kidney infection. However, more treatment may be necessary if antibiotics prove ineffective. A highly skilled urologist will be able to determine the next course of action.