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Vasectomy Reversal is a Viable Consideration for Future Fatherhood

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Vasectomy Reversal is a Viable Consideration for Future Fatherhood

When a couple has completed their family unit, there may be an extraordinary sense of gratitude and satisfaction. Knowing that you do not want more children feels easy at this moment. As we all know, though, life can throw curveballs. There are several reasons why a person or couple who once thought they were out of the parenting game to want off the bench. In such instances, the man who has had a vasectomy has good reasons to consider vasectomy reversal.

Vasectomy Reversal Success

Vasectomy works by inhibiting sperm from traveling through the vas deferens tubes that run from the testicles to the penis. These tubes may be clamped or cut to accomplish this. Historically, this technique has been observed as a permanent form of pregnancy prevention. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Many men today undergo vasectomy reversal, the procedure that reconnects closed segments of the vas deferens to restore sperm count within the semen.

To call vasectomy reversal successful may mean two different things. From the technical perspective, a successfully reversed vasectomy is one that results in sperm count. If sperm can be measured in semen, the surgery was a success. This is accomplished in over 90% of cases. The reason couples choose vasectomy reversal, though, is because they want bigger results; they want to conceive. According to statistics, this occurs for approximately 76% of men who have their vasectomy reversed within about three years after their initial procedure. Though instances of pregnancy after later vasectomy reversal (performed ten or more years after the first procedure) are lower, they still sit above 30% and may be closer to 40% in many cases.

Vasectomy Reversal or IVF?

The presence of sperm is only one of several factors that support conception and a healthy pregnancy. Couples who want to conceive may consider IVF as an alternative to vasectomy reversal. In light of extenuating circumstances, such as advanced age, this may be an optimal solution. However, if a previous vasectomy is the only mitigating factor, reversal makes sense as a first-line therapy.

IVF requires several procedures. First, it is necessary to extract sperm and eggs. Then, these cells are introduced in a laboratory setting. When the two join to form an embryo, that cell is placed into the womb. The entire process can be much costlier than a single-procedure vasectomy reversal.

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