When people think of melatonin, they often think of a natural supplement that can help them battle insomnia. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a pivotal role in the sleep-wake cycle of humans, and its levels can vary from person to person.
Recent data released at the AACR-Prostate Cancer Foundation Conference show that people who have higher levels of melatonin naturally in their system may experience a decreased risk for developing prostate cancer down the line.
Inland Empire patients are encouraged to discuss this new information with their trusted urology professional in order to determine if their melatonin levels put them at a decreased risk for developing prostate cancer.
What is Melatonin and How Can It Lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer?
Melatonin is an important hormone in the human body that is only produced in the darkness during nighttime hours. The levels of melatonin that a person produces play an important role in the circadian sleep cycle, which determines when a person falls asleep and when they wake up. Melatonin levels can also determine if a Rancho Mirage resident will stay asleep through the night, or experience night waking.
The study was performed on more than 900 men from Iceland who were asked to provide first morning urine samples and answer questions about their sleeping patterns. Throughout the research phase, it was found that many men had a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep.
While the findings require further studies be performed regarding the link between melatonin levels and the risk of prostate cancer, doctors and experts note that patients should focus on maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle in order to improve their general health.
Melatonin may be responsible for regulating other hormones in the human body, some of which may determine whether a person develops prostate cancer or other cancer types, such as breast cancer. When melatonin levels stay in check, patients will find that their other hormonal levels remain balanced at the same time.
While melatonin levels may play a role in determining whether a person will develop prostate cancer or not, there is still a lot of further research to be done. There are other risk factors that should be considered by your urologist when evaluating your own personal risk for developing prostate cancer.
While this type of cancer is common among male patients, it is also an easily treated disease if it is detected early. Regular visits to your urologist are crucial, and will help you live a healthy, active and fulfilling life for many years to come.